
This site explains briefly the ConFluency Card Game. The activity was developed to encourage natural, fast-paced, student-centered conversation in EFL classes. It is played in groups of 3-4 people, and is suitable for classes up to 40 students.
For complete information, go to www.conversationalfluency.com.

About the Activity

There are 3 sets of ConFluency Cards. ConFluency Card Set One begins with turn-taking. Turn-taking is natural to conversation and common to card games. Students respond naturally to the question and answer pattern used in Card Set One. Set One also begins teaching Life-Long Language Learning Skills.
Card Set Two builds on the skills in Card Set One, and introduces patterns that allow the student to express opinions and ideas, and to agree and disagree.
Card Set Three continues to build on the earlier patterns, and introduces a variety of conversation strategies that are common to everyday native speech. Card Set 3 is especially flexible, allowing teachers to include conversation strategies suitable for their students' vocabulary, need or language-focus.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Typical ConFluency Class

Using the above activities, we have 3 different ConFluency class patterns: Introducing new cards, Regular play and Single card games. Below are class schedules for each pattern (assuming a 50 minute class):

Introducing new cards:
Introducing new cards: 15 minutes
Previewing (fill-in Primer): 5-10 min.
ConFluency Card Game: 25-30 min.

With this schedule, students should be able to play the card game two, or maybe three, times in a class. Rotate students to make new groups for each card game.

Regular play:
Previewing (fill-in Primer): 5-10 minutes
Accuracy testing (CROSSFIRE): 10 min.
ConFluency Card Game: 30-35 min.

With this schedule, students can usually play the card game 3 times in a class. Rotate students to make new groups for each card game.

Single Card Games:

Single card games can be played in 10-12 minutes. If students are able to prepare Conversation Primers before class, perhaps as homework, or use previously prepared Primers, and have them in their notebooks (students MUST have a Primer), a single card game, without accuracy checking, can be played in about 15 minutes, including starting and clean-up.

Class time needed to become skilled in using each Card Set:

Assuming a single card game finishes in 10-12 minutes, single card games can be played:

  • 1-at-a-time in 15 min. blocks;
  • 3X in 30 min. (with a prepared Primer); or
  • 3-4 times in 50 min. (including class time to complete a Primer).
  • Times given are a minimum; depending on student progress.

Assuming 50 minute class times, the following schedule has worked well (for each new card set). Each 'time' counts 1 card game:

  • 1 time in the full class (50 min.) for Introducing new cards.
  • 2 times in 30-50 minute blocks for Accuracy checking. In a 30 minute block: 10 min. CROSSFIRE, 20 min. for 2 card games. Primers prepared before class. In a 50 minute class: See Regular play, above. Primers can be prepared in-class.

And in addition to the above times:

  • For Card Set 1: 3-9 more card games (see above for times)
  • For Card Sets 2 & 3 (each): 3-6 more card games (see above for times).

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